Service EMBALLAGES – production et impression de tubes laminés


Sustainable material solutions

16. 08. 2019

In our effort to lessen environmental damage and increase, where possible,the opportunities for environmental enhancement, ZALESI: focuses on its own processes and activities, tries to optimize, how resources are used  …  montre plus

New printing machine GALLUS RCS 430 put into operation

01. 03. 2017

In March 2017, ZALESI succesfully installed new printing machine Gallus RCS 430. It uses the most modern and effective technology of laminate tubes printing with the same concept we have been using  …  montre plus

The transition to digital print preparation

01. 07. 2015

In July 2015, we installed a new flexo plate and film imager CDI Spark 2530 from ESKO manufacturer and semi-automatic plate cleaning device DW 2730 by Dantex. By acquisition of this  …  montre plus

Référence Packaging Europe

01. 04. 2014

Un article concernant la situation actuelle et les projets de l’usine Obaly dans un proche avenir a été publié dans la revue de avril du magazine Packaging Europe. Pour avoir la  …  montre plus